What Creative Writers Need to Consider When Choosing an Online MFA Program

by | Jan 3, 2022 | Art

Graduate programs in creative writing provide students with options to grow as professional writers. The Master of Fine Arts, or MFA, in creative writing is a graduate degree that focuses on the art and practice of writing. Different MFA programs offer students different options for enrollment, attendance, and engagement. This variety gives prospective students a lot to consider when choosing the best fit for their creative and professional development.

Residency Options

There are several different ways to earn an online graduate degree in creative writing. For students who are not able to commit to a full-time on-campus residency, there are still good online options to explore. These options can include low-residency and fully online MFA programs in creative writing.

In a low-residency program, students meet on-campus for short periods while completing the bulk of their writing study at a distance. In fully online MFA programs in creative writing, students use technology to engage at a distance with faculty and peers.

Methods for Constructive Critique

One of the greatest benefits of a creative writing MFA program is the opportunity to learn from creative critique of your writing. A good writing program will challenge developing writers through this process in a manner that hones a writer’s creative craft. This creative practice is at the heart of becoming a skilled writer who can also receive and apply feedback effectively.

Getting Started

For more information about earning an MFA in Creative Writing contact the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

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