Get Practising Tips for Piano Lessons in Nashville

by | Apr 1, 2013 | Art

Learning to play a piano is not a very simple thing to do really. You have to know how to follow the music sheet properly while performing in front of a live audience and also the technique to manage your performance if you get slipped between two nodes. Usually for the beginners, it is a bit tough to manage his/her mistakes in the live performance but in case of an experienced pianist, he knows very well how to manage his/he slide stumbles and keep continuing his performance.

Tips for practicing piano lessons

Timings for practicing

As for the beginners who are just about to start taking their piano lessons in Nashville are advised to extend their practice sessions upto five – six days a week. Moreover, the students have to be motivated for taking short sessions of practicing piano during the whole day. Taking 15 minutes at a time and practicing with immense concentration is far better than trying to practice hard for a longer period of time causing fatigue mentality.

The student should not take the piano lessons in Nashville as a routine task. Otherwise, they might lose their enthusiasm over learning the instrument. Like the skills of learning a bicycle, the learning experience of playing a piano should be cherished in a student’s mind. Missing a day in the practice session doesn’t harm the progress of a student. Moreover, it gives him/her the opportunity to recall the music sheet and playing it alone. It is a must thing for every student to memorize every page of the music sheet in order to perform without hesitation.

Continue practising without or with the help of music sheet

Learning the piano and practicing it with the help of music sheet may be a bit difficult for the beginners. But he/she have to memorize the music sheet to play the piano fluently and without any external support. A student should memorize and analyze the music in his/her brain while playing. Those who are still a bit shaky with the music can perform with the help of the music sheet but once they become accustomed with the pattern of the music, they themselves can play it without watching the music sheet for a single time.

Practising with contemporary songs and classic music

Students taking up piano courses are likely to learn music theory faster owing to famous songs as chords are easier to pick up. When the interest is grown in them for piano lessons as well as music; they feel the urge to learn classical music in order to grab the opportunity to become musicians in future. However if they feel the need to build up career in contemporary music, they need to enrol for genres, jazz, rock and others.

Record practising

Finally, the students are advised to record their practise sessions and listen those during off-periods. This is one of the effective ways to identify where they are getting wrong. It is great to judge self-work for identifying one’s good and bad in the whole thing. This would help in improving on the positive aspects and care for negative sides to get the best results.

Shuff’s Music & Piano Showroom can be contacted to get piano lessons in Nashville. They are an experienced service provider and help you in all possible ways.





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