
Sculpture as a form of fine arts

A sculpture is a three dimensional figure which is created with the help of plastic materials. The most commonly used material is stone. Sculpture is regarded as a form of fine arts, and is also referred to as plastic arts. This is because the material used in...

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Printmaking as a form of fine arts

Printmaking is a form of fine arts in which the artwork is done mainly on paper. Unlike paintings which are unique and original pieces of artwork, with any copies being called reproductions, printmaking is a process with the help of which, one can produce several...

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Painting as a form of fine arts

If we study old paintings and their histories, we would be surprised by some of their aspects. As an example, consider the painting at Grotte Chauvet in France. It is regarded as one of the oldest paintings and is almost 32,000 years old. It was done with red ochre...

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Fine Arts in Modern Life

Modern life is a melting pot of human cultures; add to that the influence of globalization and capitalism. The emotions associated with modern life are highly refined yet they are difficult to express. Fine arts provide the channel which helps express these complex...

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Film as a form of fine arts:

The concept of fine arts is wide and open. Filmmaking is generally associated with drama, choreography, actors and actresses. It is a process of telling a story with the help of visuals, beginning with an initial idea or a script. Film making involves a lot of...

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